How to Rezone a Residential Space for Commercial Use in NJ
Building conversions aren’t just trendy – they’re a highly-sustainable building practice, essentially recycling an unused residential building to a commercial space and offices that are convenient and essential to the local community. Here are some tips on how to rezone a building, from commercial architecture specialists in NJ . Rezoning Basics In NJ, most commercial zoning districts have a residential equivalent to make rezoning easier. It’s important to consult with an architect before you purchase a property with the idea of rezoning it so that they can properly review the property’s zoning and determine if rezoning is possible. Unfortunately, if rezoning to commercial is not possible, the project is unable to go ahead. Your only option then is to go ahead and file for a zoning variance, which is a case for getting approval on developing a property in a manner that does not conform with the property’s current zoning. These can be difficult, time-consuming and expen...