Understanding the Different Roles of the Team Building Your New Home
Building a home is a dream for many people, but it can seem like a daunting process for anyone new to the experience. Your building site will seem chaotic at times with all the noise and bustle of the various teams of people hard at work. Here’s a quick guide to who’s who and what they do, from an architect in NJ . Architect: Your architect should be registered and licensed to practice in the state where your project is taking place. Their primary job is to design your home, but they can offer you a wide range of services, from helping to select the right piece of land and evaluating the site to recommending contractors and project managing your build. Builder: Your builder is the person who will co-ordinate and manage the work of different contractors on your project, making sure each team is on site when they are needed. They will work carefully with the project manager, discussing issues and solving challenges that arise. Engineer: The structural engineer’s job ...