How Commercial Architecture Shapes Corporate Identity


Branding and commercial architecture haven’t always been seen as one entity, but as we’ve progressed, the two facets are best associated together. For instance, when you consider marketing your business, it’s easy to picture only digital and traditional marketing strategies. However, your building can speak for your business, and you can emanate your brand’s voice through its architectural design. 

If you’re considering redesigning your commercial building in NJ,  our team will discuss how you can use architecture to speak to the brand’s voice, while also benefiting your company’s corporate identity.

The Role of Architectural Design in Shaping Brand Identity

Brand identity refers to the elements that tie it to the business services or goals and can be in the form of colors, designs, logos, slogans,  marketing materials, and more. For architectural design to tie into your business’s identity, the building could incorporate colors associated with your company. Depending on the industry,  your business may also feature interior decor that targets a specific audience. For example, one would consider a medical practice to look sterile and germ-free with stark white surfaces, neutral paint finishes and furniture that  embraces practicality and simplicity. 

How Commercial Spaces Communicate Brand Values

You may see other commercial businesses using brand elements. For instance, a retail grocery store might sell Pepsi and use refrigerators with Pepsi’s distinct branding wrapped along the sides. When customers see this, they relate and know which cold drinks are offered.

If you own a similar business that offers well-known brands, it will be in your best interest to incorporate them within your commercial space.  This facet of corporate identity architecture helps create uniformity and grows trust among consumers toward your company and its values. . 

How Interior and Exterior Design Can Work Together to Create a Memorable Brand Experience

Architectural design that blends the interior and exterior helps create a more memorable customer experience. When looking at a luxury brand, it’s clear that they choose premium furniture and decor, flooring, and lighting. The brand’s corporate identity is embedded into the interior design and stretches throughout the building, joining the exterior aesthetics. 

An excellent example of a unique building featuring architecture and branding is the Louis Vuitton building based in Singapore. The architecture is reminiscent of the handbag textures showcased as the building’s outer walls. Another one for the same brand is the Louis Vuitton Art Museum in Paris, and its design is much like something off the runway. 

Some businesses are more family-orientated. For instance, a family restaurant could feature comfortable, built-in dining booths  and a colorfully decorated kid’s area with arcade-style games. On the other hand, a luxury restaurant’s architecture can feature a lavish, marble foyer with a maître d waiting to receive guests. Whether your business is more casual or luxurious in nature, there are ways to incorporate architecture to enhance the overall consumer experience. 

The Future of Architectural Design in Branding 

The future is bright for reinventing and improving brand corporate identity through commercial architecture. More and more businesses opt for sustainable materials in their buildings and branding efforts. Using prefabricated structures is also changing how businesses employ their commercial setup, with cost-effectiveness playing a considerable role. 

Are you ready to blend commercial architecture with your corporate identity? Our professional team at Seth A. Leeb Architecture is here to help. We can assist in the planning, design, and construction administration of your commercial building that communicates your company’s corporate DNA to your consumers. Please give us a call today or visit our website at:

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